Collection: Truck Art Collection

This collection has been designed by Samia Gul, who has always wanted to keep the trend of hand painted Truck Art alive.

Using a combination of digital print for a more contemporary feel, to chamakpatti and hand paints, this collection has something to appeal to people of all tastes. What we love about this collection is the fun way in which she has brought Truck Art to life on otherwise monotonous household products.

If you want to add a splash of colour to your more contemporary Nordic minimalist list, then this is the collection to go for.

Truck Art is a popular form of decoration on Pakistani trucks featuring elaborate floral patterns, calligraphy and vibrant colours. Pakistani decorated trucks servicing Afghanistan came to be known as jingle trucks by American troops and contractors. 

It started in the late 1940s, when trucks began long-haul journeys to deliver goods, each company designed a logo so that the illiterate people would understand who owned the truck. Over time, these logos became increasingly ornate and more recently have been used as a means to find lost children or spread political / social slogans.